The home loan process with TMG.

Schedule your free appointment with a TMG broker today and find out how you can save on your home loan.

How we make the home loan process smooth and stress free

Meet with a broker

  • Understand your personal situation
  • Find out about your future plans
  • Calculate your borrowing power

Search for the right loan

  • Compare 1,000's of home loan
  • Present you with home loan options
  • Explain the pro's and con's of each home loan option

Manage your application

  • Assist you with completing the forms
  • Negotiate a great deal
  • Submit your application to the bank
  • Liaise with the lender and manage any issues arising

Regular review

  • Follow up post settlement on how your settling in with the new lender
  • Ongoing review of your mortgage to ensure you are still receiving the best deal

The information provided on this website is for general education purposes only and is not intended to constitute specialist or personal advice. This website has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of this, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice to your own situation and needs before taking any action. It should not be relied upon for the purposes of entering into any legal or financial commitments. Specific investment advice should be obtained from a suitably qualified professional before adopting any investment strategy.
